Wednesday, July 21, 2010


For no particular reason, here's a list of video games that I really want now.

1) The Old Republic. I am no MMO gamer. In fact, I have a lot of trouble getting into MMOs, and I find them boring and repetitive. But a fully voiced MMO, of the Old Republic era of Star Wars, designed by BioWare? If this can't convince me to play an MMO, nothing short of a heavenly mandate will.
2) Kirby's Epic Yarn. ADORABLE. 'Nuff said.
3) Epic Mickey. Will it be as epic as Kirby running around being his adorable fluffy self? Who knows? But I'm a Disney fan and have been since about age five, so unless the game sucks--which it won't considering who's designing it--I'll enjoy it immensely.
4) Ninokuni. Studio Ghibli meets video games. There are not words to describe how awesome this could be, unless you tack "epic" onto its title too.
5) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Ugh, that HUD from the E3 demos looks fugly. But it's a Zelda game, and it involves flying. I'm not completely sold, but it takes some effort to keep me from playing a Zelda game.
6) Dragon Age 2. I've got my reservations about this game. A lot of them, actually. How will a decade long story be implemented? Will the voice actors be good? Will the dialogue wheel make me say something I really didn't want to about a fourth of the time? But I feel like among all the game developers, BioWare have earned my trust enough where I can give them the benefit of the doubt for now.
7) Portal 2. Portal was like crack. A 2-3 hour condensed dose of gaming goodness that left a horrible crash when I realized that was it. It was all over. Now I can get my fix again :)

Of course, I would happily give up all those games if I could get an old-school BioWare style RPG set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. But that only exists in my fantasies XD

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